Biology B2.1 &2.2


GCSE Biology B2 topic (b2.1 and 2.2) Information used from CPG biology revision book
Rebecca Denniss
Mapa Mental por Rebecca Denniss, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Denniss
Criado por Rebecca Denniss aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Biology B2.1 &2.2
  1. Cells and their contents
    1. Animal cell
      1. Nucleus
        1. contains genetic material that controls the activities of the cell
        2. Cytoplasm
          1. gel-like substance where most of the chemical reactions happen. it contains enzymes that control chemical reactions
          2. Cell Membrane
            1. holds the cell together and conmtrols what goes in and out
            2. Mitochondria
              1. most of respiration reactions take place here. Respiration releases energy that the cells need to work.
              2. Ribosomes
                1. where proteins are made in the cell
              3. Plant cell
                1. has usually everything an animal cell has but there are a few extra bits
                  1. Rigid Cell Wall
                    1. made of cellulose. it supports the cell and strengthens it
                    2. Permanent vacoule
                      1. contains cell sap, a weak solution of sugar and salts
                      2. Chloroplasts
                        1. where photosynthesis occurs, which makes food for the plant. they contain a green substance called Chlorophyll
                    3. Yeast
                      1. Single-Celled organism
                        1. microorganism.
                          1. It contains...
                            1. Cell Membrane
                              1. Cytoplasm
                                1. nucleus containing genetic material
                                  1. Cell Wall
                                2. Bacteria Cell
                                  1. Single-Celled organism
                                    1. Naked DNA
                                      1. No nucleus
                                        1. Because of this genetic material floats in the cytoplasm
                                      2. They contain...
                                        1. Cell Membrane
                                          1. Cytoplasm
                                            1. Genetic material
                                              1. Cell wall


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