Results of the Ulster Plantation


Junior Certificate History Mapa Mental sobre Results of the Ulster Plantation, criado por amydolan em 23-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por amydolan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por amydolan mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Results of the Ulster Plantation
  1. About 15,000 English or Scottish people settled in Ulster by 1641.
    1. The religion of the planters was different to that of the Gaelic Irish. The conflicts over land and religion led to mistrust and hatred between the native Irish people and the planters.
      1. Gaelic Irish tenants were given land by the servitors, undertakers and the 'loyal Irish'. Some took to the mountains and attacked the planters.
        1. New farming methods were introduced. Trade prospered, and roads, inns and mills were developed.
          1. More than 20 towns were planned and built in Ulster. Town life was new to Ulster.
            1. The divisions between the Gaelic Irish and the Scottish and English planters led to further conflicts between them over the centuries.


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