How To Study For Pre-Calc


just a way to remember how to study for math (specifically pre-calc, but could be applied to most subjects)
Christina Buen
Mapa Mental por Christina Buen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Christina Buen
Criado por Christina Buen aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

How To Study For Pre-Calc
  1. 1. Go over concepts and formulas; make sure you understand everything.
    1. 2. Redo practice problems given in class & in notebook.
      1. 3. Read textbook information to cement knowledge.
        1. 4. Do more practice problems in textbook (warning: no answers are given) or look up practice (khan academy, for example)
          1. 5. Relax!! If having any trouble use the Princeton Tutor program or text a friend. If this is before the test date, consider talking to the teacher.


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