Internet use: Why does it harms children ?


Mapa Mental sobre Internet use: Why does it harms children ?, criado por Jose Abadi em 26-09-2017.
Jose Abadi
Mapa Mental por Jose Abadi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jose Abadi
Criado por Jose Abadi mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Internet use: Why does it harms children ?
  1. The internet should be restricted on children because it can cause them to have a decrease in education, mislead behavior and even physical consequences.
    1. Decrease in education
      1. Dishonesty
        1. Having others do your job
          1. Plagiarism
          2. Unreliable educational sites
            1. Fake information
                1. "Dishonesty is a very popular effect that children get while abusing the use of internet.
          3. Mislead behavior
            1. Cyberbullying
              1. Social media
                1. Isolation and aggresivness
                  1. Gaming
                    1. Aggressive behavior
                      1. Economics times
                        1. In grades 3,4,5 ( Boston Elementary School ) 9.5% = victims of cyberbullying because of the internet.
                  2. Physical consequences
                    1. Physical health
                      1. Avoiding physical activities
                        1. Food advertisements
                          1. Facebook
                            1. Josh Patrick ( expert in psychology )
                              1. "Physical health on children can be affected by the internet, leaving them with eye strain and obesity problems"


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