Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.


Mapa Mental sobre Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify., criado por uidfhiuerg ertert em 28-09-2017.
uidfhiuerg ertert
Mapa Mental por uidfhiuerg ertert, atualizado more than 1 year ago
uidfhiuerg ertert
Criado por uidfhiuerg ertert quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.
  1. No, because the Amazon is the lung of the world.
    1. no, because it would be harmful to the beings that live there.
      1. yes, because it would only be a deforested part, so there would not be so much damage.
        1. yes, because it would be a very big profit making this deforestation.
          1. We can adapt to this reality, because it has positive and negative points on both sides.
            1. It is a drastic decision for the beings who live there, but there will be much profit and benefit for the police, so we should see both sides well.


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