Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Cominform and Comecon H/W


History - The cold war mindmap describing parts of the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Cominform and Comecon
sameh kayani
Mapa Mental por sameh kayani, atualizado more than 1 year ago
sameh kayani
Criado por sameh kayani quase 7 anos atrás

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Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Cominform and Comecon H/W
  1. Cominform: 1947
    1. Who was involved?
      1. All communist Sattelite states so as well as the communist french and italian party
      2. What is it?
        1. The cominform (communist information Bureau) was set up in september 1947
          1. Used to gather European Communist parties and made a soviet and eastern block
        2. Result
          1. It benIfited the USSR
            1. It helped them purge people who disagreed like Tito
          2. The Cause
            1. A response to the Truman Doctrine and to make eastern Europe communist governments
          3. Comecon: 1949
            1. Result
              1. The USSR were supported with army members and gained the trust of these countries
              2. The Cause
                1. A response to the marshall plan
                  1. A policy where the USSR would finanacially support Europe
                  2. Who was involved?
                    1. All Satellite States were involved so: Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland.
                      1. Other countries that were assisted joined too like Albania, who joined in 1949, the German Democratic Republic on September 1950, Cuba in 1972 and finally Veitnam in 1978.
                      2. What is it?
                        1. It was known as the Council for Mutal Economic Assistance (CMEA)
                          1. It helped out 3rd world countries that needed the assistance from world war II
                        2. Truman Doctrine: 1947
                          1. What is it?
                            1. Policy of containment
                              1. It was a way of supporting European countries that did not want to be communist
                                1. They payed $400 million for military and economic aid
                            2. The Cause
                              1. To help prevent the spread of communism
                              2. Result
                                1. Greek governments were able to defeat communism
                                2. Who was Involved?
                                  1. All NATO countries including Greece and Turkey in 1947
                                3. The Marshall Plan: 1947
                                  1. Who was involved?
                                    1. All countries affected by WW2
                                    2. Result
                                      1. Starlin loses trust towards the USA and refuses retribution for satellite countries
                                        1. Belives the West is trying to prevent Communism
                                        2. The USA gave away $17 billion by 1953
                                        3. The Cause
                                          1. Very similar to the Truman Doctrine but gave more money to other countries too
                                            1. Helping USA's exports
                                          2. What is it?
                                            1. Aid all countries damaged by the war
                                              1. Trading and agriculture


                                            Conferences of the Cold War
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                                            Why did the Cold War begin?
                                            The Berlin Crisis 1961 - Cause and Consequence
                                            Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Cominform and Comecon
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