Aisha’s not feeling so good (Heart failure)


Mapa Mental sobre Aisha’s not feeling so good (Heart failure), criado por mohammed mansour em 05-10-2017.
mohammed mansour
Mapa Mental por mohammed mansour, atualizado more than 1 year ago
mohammed mansour
Criado por mohammed mansour quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Aisha’s not feeling so good (Heart failure)
  1. Heart Development
    1. Edema
      1. Increased hydrostatic pi Hypoalbuminemia
        1. Increased permeability Lymphatic obstruction
        2. Congestive heart failure
          1. Inability of the heart to keep up with the demands on it, with failure of the heart to pump blood with normal efficiency.
            1. Left HF
              1. Right HF
                1. Signs & symptoms
                  1. Dyspnea, Orthopnea, Fatigue, Swelling, Irregular heartbeat, Persistent cough (with blood), Chest pain
                  2. Risk factors
                    1. High blood pressure, Coronary artery disease, Heart attack, Congenital heart defect, Valvular heart disease, Alcohol and tobacco.
                    2. Compensatory physiological response
                      1. Increase sympathetic activity renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system Myocardial hypertrophy
                    3. Physical examination
                      1. Vital signs
                        1. Jugular Vein
                          1. Lungs
                            1. Hyperdynamic Apical Impulse
                            2. Investigations
                              1. Chest X-Ray
                                1. Echocardiography
                                  1. preferred examination in CHF
                                  2. Electrocaardiogram
                                    1. common finding include: sinus Arrhythmia, pathological Q waves, ST elevation, LBBB, intraventricular conduction delays.
                                  3. Management
                                    1. Pharmacological therapy
                                      1. Treat the cause and precipitating factor
                                        1. 1. Digitalis glycosides (Digoxin) 2. Phosphodiestrase inhibitors 3. Dobutamine and Dopamine 4. Human Natriuretic Peptide 5. Endothelin R Antagonists
                                          1. Cardio-inotropic drugs
                                          2. Life style
                                          3. Heart Sounds
                                            1. Pathogenesis
                                              1. Left HF
                                                1. Ischemia, MI, Hypertension, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Restrictive cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
                                                2. Right HF
                                                  1. Left HF, Left to right shunt, Cor pulmonale.
                                                  2. Concentric hypertrophy in pressure overload
                                                    1. eccentric hypertrophy in volume overload


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