Wake Up Dad


Mapa Mental sobre Wake Up Dad, criado por rania khalil em 19-10-2017.
rania khalil
Mapa Mental por rania khalil, atualizado more than 1 year ago
rania khalil
Criado por rania khalil aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Wake Up Dad
  1. showed symptoms
      1. differential diagnosis
        1. diabetes
            1. sleep disorder that causes breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep
              1. Moderate OSA- The sufferer experiences 15-30 episodes of interruptions in breathing in an hour.
                1. Severe OSA- The sufferer experiences 30 or more interruptions in breathing in an hour.
                  1. the muscles in the back of the throat relax too much to allow normal breathing
                    1. Mild OSA- The sufferer experiences 5-14 episodes of interruptions in breathing in an hour.
                    2. causes
                      1. structural features that give rise to a narrowed airway.
                        1. old age
                          1. (natural or premature) brain injury
                            1. (temporary or permanent) decreased muscle
                              1. tone (drugs or alcohol) increased soft tissue
                                1. around the airway (sometimes due to obesity
                            2. central apnea
                              1. Parkinson's disease
                                1. Medical conditions that affect the brain stem
                                  1. infection and stroke
                                    1. Certain medications like narcotic painkiller
                                2. TREATMENT
                                  1. PROGNOSIS
                                    1. Untreated or unrecognized obstructive sleep apnea can lead to cognitive impairment as a result of sleeplessness
                                  2. physiology of sleep
                                  3. narcolepsy
                                    1. Idiopathic hypersomnia
                                    2. history taking for resp
                                      1. ask about TB, cancer, cystic fibrosis and family history
                                      2. investigations
                                        1. sleep test
                                          1. Polysomnogram
                                            1. Measures the breathing and blood oxygen level. Some also may measure the heart rate or other information about the body.
                                          2. O2 saturation
                                            1. An estimate of your oxygen saturation can be made easily and painlessly with a clip that fits on your finger. This clip shines a light through one side of your finger; a detector measures the light that comes through the other side
                                          3. snoring
                                            1. snoring During sleep, the muscles of the throat relax, the tongue falls backward, and the throat becomes narrow and "floppy." These vibrations lead to the characteristic sound of snoring.
                                            2. fatigue
                                              1. Non-restorative sleep
                                                1. Cognitive deficits; memory and intellectual impairment
                                                  1. Personality and mood changes
                                                    1. Sleep deprivation
                                                    2. Decreased vigilance
                                                  2. apnea


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