The army


GCSE History (WW1) Mapa Mental sobre The army, criado por emily7682 em 26-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por emily7682, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por emily7682 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The army
  1. Trench warfare
    1. War becomes a stalemate
      1. They were meant for shelters
        1. They have now become complex defensive system
        2. Tanxs
          1. In-front of an infantry
            1. It crushed barbed wire.
              1. It sprayed enemies with machine gun fire.
              2. Power full artillery (Shells)
                1. Caused more casualties then any other weopons
                  1. At the beggining they were Unacurrate
                    1. At the end they were perfectly aimed
                    2. Extra infantry
                      1. Foot soldiers became the backbone of the army.
                        1. They led charges
                          1. OVER THE TOP
                        2. Less Cavalry
                          1. Vunrable
                            1. to machine guns
                              1. to artilitry
                              2. Important to transport suplies
                              3. Poison gas
                                1. disable enemy troops
                                  1. then let the infantyr sweep in
                                  2. mustard gas slowly killed the enemy
                                  3. Trench life
                                    1. LIVING ROUGH
                                      1. Cold
                                        1. Wet
                                          1. Muddy
                                          2. Bad hygeine
                                            1. Basic food
                                              1. Nothing exotic
                                            2. Flame throwers
                                              1. Soldiers would try and shoot the canister before it started blowing flames.
                                                1. If men were caught in fire they were never seen again.


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