Communicative - in
this approach,
students will develop
language skills
communication and
Silent Way
The teacher spends the most time
talking; students repeat or signal for
Thumbs up -
thumbs down - this
approach reminds
me that the
students sometimes
respond based on
what they see their
peers do. It does
not require much
effort on their part.
Natural Way
The students L1 is welcomed. The
students learn their L2 through
interactions with their peers.
This encounter can
take place in small
groups, at recess,
or even at the
lunch table. It can
happen through
basic conversation
between the
The EL students are allowed to use
their L1 for understanding, but
there is little correction if they do
make an error.
Small groups are can
easily be used in this
approach. Students
working together in
groups have the
opportunity to speak
to each other
without drawing a
lot of attention to
Although this is a
great teaching
strategy, it doesn't
provide a lot of
opportunity for the
teacher to correct it.
Grade-level curriculum is modified.
Students are provided with scaffolding
and their learning is very involved.
In my classroom, I used this
approach during my SIOP
lesson. I divided my students
into groups based on their
learning styles and language
development. The students
worked in groups using
hands-on manipulates, like real
life flowers, to learn about
plants parts. Their were labels
in English, and Spanish if
needed. The students used
pictures and drawings to show
their understanding.
Content based instruction that focuses
on the L2 development. Subjects are
usually divided in units.
This method provides
opportunities for the
students to work with a
particular subject area
using manipulates,
visuals, and hands-on
activities that will help the
students understand the
content area.
Grammatical or
Grammar-Based - this
approach is
teacher-centered and
places emphasis on the
correct form and
structures of language.
Grammar Translation
Focuses on reading,
writing, and grammar.
The use of
journals is a way
that I hold my
accountable for
their writing.
Along with that,
the students are
responsible for
writing in a
correct form.
Forces EL students to use the
While this is not
my favorite
approach, the
students do
need to total
emersion to
learn an L2.
Creating simple
questions is a
good way for EL
students to use
their L2.
Focuses on correcting error
through repetition and drill
With DIBELS, we
spend a lot of time
focusing on what
they did wrong.
We do weekly
drills and practices
orally to get them
ready for the next
Cognitive - this approach
focuses on direct or
explicit teaching and the
use of learning
Developmentally apporopriate with language
instruction. Provides students with intentional
focus on langauge development and is based
on thier prior knowledge.
With my SIOP lesson, I began
by having the students use
their prior knowledge of
flowers to participate in a
picture sort. The lesson's
directions were explicit and
direct so that the students
knew exactly what was
expected of them.