Credit cards


Mapa Mental sobre Credit cards, criado por Osvaldo Arce Martinez em 23-10-2017.
Osvaldo Arce Martinez
Mapa Mental por Osvaldo Arce Martinez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Osvaldo Arce Martinez
Criado por Osvaldo Arce Martinez mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Credit cards
  1. Banamex
      1. Banamex Classic Credit Card Take care of your money, enjoy more. It differs health payments to 3, 6 or 12 fixed monthly payments. Choose the payment date that suits you best .. Your purchases accumulate 5% in Premia1 Points, you decide to reward yourself, even with cash .. CAT average 65.9% excluding VAT.
      2. service cost
        1. $645 sin IVA
          1. interests $330 without IVA
          2. Benefits
            1. Preferential rate in Health Fixed monthly payments with a lower rate. Vary your health expenses1 at a lower annual interest rate whenever you need it, on a minimum purchase of $ 3,000. 3, 6 or 12 Fixed monthly payments with preferential rate when paying in 1 Hospitals 2 Medical Laboratories 3 Pharmacies 4 Health and beauty clinics
            2. SECURITY
              1. Travel Accident Insurance in the Middle of Transport Visa Classic cardholders, their spouse and dependent children under age 23 years of age, automatically have coverage around the world for bodily injuries sustained by accidents which are the exclusive cause of the loss of life or of any member of the body either during the trip or at the boarding or descending of an aircraft operated by a regular airline registered ** on a scheduled scheduled flight, or operated by a duly licensed authorized to carry passengers, provided that the travel fare has been been paid in full with the holder's valid Visa card
            3. Bancomer
              1. Benefits
                1. Earn 9% of all your purchases at Bancomer Points when paying with your Card in Mexico and abroad. With them, you can buy for free what you like most in thousands of establishments nationwide. There are thousands of options to redeem them, check all the shops in which you can buy for free with your Points. Get promotions and discounts at thousands of businesses nationwide.
                2. DESCRIPTION
                  1. It has the Life Bancomer Rewards Program with which you earn points and get discounts in thousands of businesses nationwide. Alliances with businesses such as: Walmart, Sam's Club, Chedrahui, Liverpool, The Iron Palace, Restaurants, etc .; in which you can enjoy deals to MSI and discounts
                  2. SECURITY
                    1. PROTECTED PURCHASE INSURANCE. Theft insurance on items of durable use that "BANCOMER" indicates, known as "PROTECTED PURCHASE", provided they have been purchased with the "CARD". In order to make the insurance effective it is important that the following requirements are met: That the purchase of goods has been at least $ 500.00 (FIVE HUNDRED PESOS 00/100 M.N.) That the claim is made within a term not greater than 100 (CIEN) calendar days from the date of purchase of the item
                    2. service cost
                      1. Annual $631.00
                        1. interests Monthly payment according to the established cut.
                      2. INFOMARTIONS
                        1. osvaldo Arce Martinez
                          1. Armando Saenz Godinez
                            1. CBTIS 146 JOSE VASCONCELOS
                              1. LICC. Garcia Gardea Marisela
                                1. October 23, 2017
                                2. conclusion
                                  1. credit cards must be used with intelligence we can use for an emergency as a service in replacement of cash but used as a credit credit cards have become very necessary as well as a way to protect them from fraud or theft for that we have used the technologies
                                    1. we like to bancomer more for the benefits that it offers us and it is a payment less of interest 300 pesos less than the other option, and we feel that it has greater security, is very interested in welfare


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