DSB repair by protein machines


Protein Form and Function Mapa Mental sobre DSB repair by protein machines, criado por sophie_connor em 27-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por sophie_connor, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sophie_connor mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

DSB repair by protein machines
  1. Nucleases
    1. Cutting enzymes
      1. Cleave nucleic acids
      2. Exonucleases
        1. Remove terminal nucleotides from 5' and 3'
          1. DNA replication
            1. Polymerase is very accurate and has its own nuclease
              1. It can go back and immediately cut out damage
                1. 3'-5' exonuclease removes mis-incorporated nucleotides
                  1. Eukaryotes
                    1. DNA pol delta and gamma
                    2. E.coli
                      1. Pol 1
                  2. DNA repair and recombination
                    1. Damage is recognised and cut out
                      1. DNA polymerase fills gap and DNA ligase secures
                      2. NHEJ
                        1. Own 3' nuclease
                          1. If nuclease is left free it will cut DNA and genetic information will be lost
                            1. Ku binds DNA to protect ends from nuclease
                          2. Endonucleases
                            1. Cleave internal bonds
                            2. RNases
                              1. DNases
                                1. Can drive reactions forwards or backwards due to their equilibrium
                                2. DNA ligase
                                  1. Co factors
                                    1. Ecoli
                                      1. NAD+
                                      2. Eukaryotes
                                        1. ATP
                                      3. Need 5' P and 3' OH
                                        1. Makes phosphodiester bond
                                          1. Ligase binds ATP
                                            1. Hydrolyses ATP to AMP
                                              1. Attaches AMP to itself via a lysine bond
                                                1. Uses energy to facilitate bond formation
                                                  1. Ligase transfers phosphate moiety to other side forming ADP
                                                    1. Enzyme catalyses attack of OH
                                                      1. AMP released back into solution
                                            2. Ligation assay using gel to follow molecule getting larger
                                            3. Types of DNA ends
                                              1. Blunt ends
                                                1. Sticky ends
                                                  1. Incompatible ends
                                                  2. Non homolgous end joining
                                                    1. Bacteria
                                                      1. Ku binds ends of DNA break
                                                        1. Polymerase fills DNA gap bringing ends together
                                                          1. Phosphodiesterase cleaves nucleotides from DNA leaving 3' OH and 5'P
                                                            1. Ligase repairs DNA nick
                                                        2. If polymerases aren't controlled they will keep synthesising DNA resulting in displacement of original DNA
                                                          1. Nuclease removes unwanted DNA
                                                          2. Bacterial DNA ligases
                                                            1. LigD is ATP dependent DNA ligase
                                                              1. Multidomain protein
                                                                1. Polymerase, nuclease and ligase
                                                                2. Can add nucleotides to ssDNA or blunt dsDNA in a template independent manner
                                                                  1. PolDom can fill in ss gaps to extend 3' resected primers
                                                                    1. PolDom inserts nucleotides opposite 8-oxoG and extends base pair
                                                                      1. PolDom dislocates and realigns template strand
                                                                        1. Important for abasic sites
                                                                        2. Microhomology mediated DSB repair
                                                                          1. DSB with complementary overhangs only needs ligase from LigD as it can be aligned properly
                                                                            1. When ends are not complementary Ku-LigD complex searches for areas of microhomology to form a synpatic complex
                                                                              1. Aligns break, resection, gap filling and ligation
                                                                      2. Eukaryotes
                                                                        1. Ku70/80 heterodimer binds DNA ends
                                                                          1. DNA-PKcs recruited and activated
                                                                            1. DNA-Pkcs form complex with Artemis
                                                                              1. Artemis is a 5'-3' exonuclease activated by DNA-PKcs
                                                                                1. Processes broken ends and prepares them for ligation
                                                                                  1. Ligation carried out by XRCC4/Cernunnos XLF/DNA ligase IV
                                                                                    1. Formation of AMP complex called adenylate complex
                                                                                      1. AMP moiety transferred to DNA adenylate complex
                                                                                        1. LIgase catalyses attack by 3'OH to join the polynucleotides and release AMP
                                                                        2. Prokaryotes
                                                                          1. Ku binds to 3' end and recruits LigD which recognises 5'P
                                                                            1. Non-extendable 3' termini can be resected by NucDom of LigD
                                                                              1. Resynthesised by PolDom and ligation occurs


                                                                        Repair of DNA double strand breaks by protein repair machines
                                                                        Protein folding
                                                                        Other structural methods
                                                                        Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
                                                                        Recognition and repair of deaminated pyrimidines
                                                                        Protein misfolding
                                                                        Jen Harris
                                                                        Protein evolution
                                                                        Jen Harris
                                                                        Protein Evolution
                                                                        Jen Harris
                                                                        Protein misfolding
                                                                        Double strand break repair by protein repair machines