Spanish American War(SAW)- Answers


10th grade US History Mapa Mental sobre Spanish American War(SAW)- Answers, criado por Mrs. C em 27-10-2017.
Mrs. C
Mapa Mental por Mrs. C, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mrs. C
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Spanish American War(SAW)- Answers
  1. Who did the U.S. fight the SAW against? Spanish Empire
    1. Why did the U.S. become involved? Liberate Cuba from Spain.
      1. Reason 1 American piece of mind.
        1. Reason 2 Yellow Journalism
          1. Reason 3 USS Maine Explosion
        2. Who were Americans most conserned for in the SAW? Cuba
          1. The U.S. wanted a relationship with this island because?
            1. Reason 1 Sugar Trade with Cuba
              1. Reason 2 Naval base in Guantanamo
        3. The U.S. also liberated who else? Philippiens Puerto Rico Guam
          1. They become U.S. __Commonwealths_?
            1. What are those islands in charge of? Laws and Finances
              1. The U.S. is in charge of? Defense and Tariffs
              2. Are these states? Explain No They never became territories and are commonwealths of U.S.
                1. These islands are ____Annexed____. Taking over the country but not having it become a state.
                2. After liberating one of these islands they battle with the U.S. why? Philippines because U.S. wouldn't accept their right to independence.
                3. Why was the U.S. looking to other countries outside of the continental U.S.?
                  1. Reason 1 U.S. trade with China
                    1. Reason 2 Refuel ships with coal
                    2. The U.S. also used the SAW as an opportunity to do what? Annex Panama and Hawaii
                      1. Why did the U.S. do this? To shorten the distance between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and trade with China.
                        1. Who did they have to liberate this country from? Columbia
                        2. What other island does the U.S. collect at this time? Hawaii
                          1. What were 4 reasons for collecting this island? Economic Asset Sugar Cane Pineapples Naval Base
                            1. What is one reason Americans were for acquiring this island? Location/Christianity spread American way of life.
                              1. What is one reason Americans were against acquiring this island? Colonization is against U.S. morals
                              2. It also provided another what? Refuelling stop to trade with China
                                1. When was this island annexed? 1898
                                  1. When did it become a state? 1959
                                  2. Who does the U.S. get this island from? Queen Liliuokalani


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