Looking for Alaska


Mapa Mental sobre Looking for Alaska, criado por 31585 em 05-08-2014.
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Resumo de Recurso

Looking for Alaska
    1. Miles Halter
      1. moves to Culver Creek boarding school
        1. nick name: Pudge
          1. existentialist
          2. Alaska Young
            1. Friend of Miles that he meets at the beginning of the book
              1. commits suicide
              2. Chip Martin
                1. friend of Miles
                  1. nickname: the Colonol
                    1. on scholarship
                      1. comes from a very poor family
                      2. shares room with Miles at boarding school
                      3. Takumi Hikohito
                        1. friends of alaska and chip
                          1. shares room with Miles at boarding school
                          2. Mr Starnes
                            1. teacher at culver creek
                              1. dislikes Miles and his friends
                                1. nickname: the Eagle
                              2. PERSONAL RESPONCE
                                1. I found the book enjoyable yet it took a while for the story to take off.
                                  1. I recommend this book for children over the age of 13
                                    1. contains drugs, alcohol and sexual content
                                    2. The author John Green made you connect with Alaska and when she died he made you feel sad.
                                    3. TECHNIQUES USED BY THE AUTHOR
                                      1. John Green uses a lot of describing techniques in his book. He will use many adjectives, similes and metaphors to give the reader a better picture of the book.
                                        1. A technique he uses that makes the book unique is he counts the day and makes the number of the day the title of the chapter. e.g. One hundred and thirty-six days before. Before is before Alaska dies. John then uses number of days + after to show after Alaskas death
                                        2. MAIN IDEAS
                                          1. Alaska, Chip, Miles and Takumi love to plan pranks of the school
                                            1. Plan the prank of the year
                                              1. Prank is sucessful but the group of friends get in trouble
                                            2. Miles leaves his home in florida and goes to Culver Creek where he meets Alaska,Chip and Takumi
                                              1. as a school tradition Miles is duct-taped and thrown in the lake where he meets Alaska who pulls him out of the lake
                                              2. Alaska commits suicide
                                                1. Alaska, Chip, Miles and Takumi get drunk on the night of the prank
                                                  1. Alaska gets a call
                                                    1. (callers identity is never told in the book)
                                                      1. Alaska gets very upset and tells her friends she need to go visit her mother
                                                        1. Alaskas mother died when Alaska was 3
                                                          1. Alaska drives to her mothers grave drunk
                                                            1. drives off road on purpose and kills herself
                                                              1. After Alaskas death
                                                                1. The Eagle holds a assembly and tells the whole school about the accident
                                                                  1. Miles and Chip feel they are at fault by letting Alaska drive while drunk
                                                                    1. friends all drift apart
                                                                      1. Chip and Miles go to investigate who was on the phone
                                                                        1. suspects:
                                                                          1. Alaskas boyfriend: Jake
                                                                            1. The Eagle
                                                                              1. Another person from the school
                                                                              2. friends all come back together
                                                                                1. celebrate the anniversary of her death by playing a prank Alaska had planned before she died
                                                          2. before Alaskas death


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