Mindmap: William Laud


Mapa Mental sobre Mindmap: William Laud, criado por Lois Buco em 09-11-2017.
Lois  Buco
Mapa Mental por Lois Buco, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lois  Buco
Criado por Lois Buco quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Mindmap: William Laud
  1. Relationship with Charles I
    1. Dominant influence
      1. Divine Right of KIngs
        1. Religious Reformation
        2. Demise
          1. 10th January, 1645
            1. put on trial
              1. Subvert laws of England
                1. Endangering Protestant faith
                2. beheaded
                  1. Tower Hill
                    1. Arrested
                    2. Religion
                      1. Opposition
                        1. Puritans
                          1. 1637
                            1. John Bastwick
                              1. Henry Burton
                                1. William Prynne
                                2. Criticism Pamphlets
                                  1. Laud's beliefs
                                    1. Church policies
                                  2. Too Catholic
                                  3. 'the beauty of holiness'
                                    1. Arminian promotion
                                      1. Puritan expense
                                      2. Book of Orders
                                      3. Opposition
                                        1. Scotland
                                          1. Presbyterian
                                            1. English Prayer Book
                                            2. Traditional Nobility
                                              1. Origins
                                                1. High Commission
                                                  1. Star Chamber
                                                    1. Enforce rules
                                                      1. Silence opposition
                                                      2. Natural Target
                                                    2. Increasing Status
                                                      1. 1615
                                                        1. Archdeacon of Huntingdon
                                                        2. 1616
                                                          1. Dean of Gloucester
                                                          2. 1621
                                                            1. Bishop of St Davis
                                                            2. 1626
                                                              1. Bishop of Bath + Wells
                                                              2. 1627
                                                                1. Privy Councillor
                                                                2. 1628
                                                                  1. Bishop of London
                                                                  2. 1630
                                                                    1. Chancellor of Oxford University
                                                                    2. 1633
                                                                      1. Archbishop of Canterbury


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