Yasser is falling behind


Mapa Mental sobre Yasser is falling behind, criado por fatima alkhateeb em 11-11-2017.
fatima alkhateeb
Mapa Mental por fatima alkhateeb, atualizado more than 1 year ago
fatima alkhateeb
Criado por fatima alkhateeb quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Yasser is falling behind
  1. Anatomy
    1. Histology
      1. Physiology
        1. Slow growth rate
          1. Causes
            1. Endocrine
              1. Genetics
                1. Pregnancy environment
              2. Systemic
            2. Growth hormone deficiency
              1. A decrease in GH. When levels are lower than 1.6 to 3.0 ng/ml for adults and 6 ng/ml for children
                1. Signs and symptoms
                  1. Short stature
                    1. Chubby body build
                    2. Delayed tooth development
                      1. Delayed puberty
                      2. Causes
                        1. Congenital
                          1. infiltrate the hypothalamus or its connection to the pituitary gland
                          2. Acquired
                            1. tumor in the hypothalamus or pituitary
                              1. head trauma
                                1. radiation therapy
                              2. Pathology
                                1. Physical examination
                                  1. Investigations
                                    1. Blood tests
                                      1. Imaging
                                    2. Height
                                      1. Weight
                                        1. Body proportions
                                    3. Management
                                      1. GH deficiency
                                        1. GHRH (sermorelin)
                                          1. rGH (neutropin)
                                            1. rIGF (mecasermine)
                                        2. GH excess
                                          1. Somatostatin analogs
                                            1. GH receptor antagonists
                                    4. Growth charts
                                      1. Growth sprouts


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