Leila was losing weight


Mapa Mental sobre Leila was losing weight, criado por me - em 19-11-2017.
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Mapa Mental por me -, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Criado por me - quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Leila was losing weight
  1. her glands looked a bit swollen in her neck.
    1. she was always hungry & lost weight
      1. Cancer
        1. Eating disorders
          1. Malabsorption
            1. diabetes
              1. depression
                1. stress
        2. signs and symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
        3. Dr Kamal ordered a fullset of thyroid function tests (TFTs
          1. wrote on the lab slip his clinical diagnosis of hyperthyroidism
            1. He decided to order an antithyroid peroxidase (aTpo)test and a fullblood examination (FBE).
              1. they could then decide on the best management plan'
                1. relapsed, had to undergo thyroidectomy
                  1. A thyroidectomy may be recommended for conditions such as:
                    1. Thyroid cancer
                      1. Noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid (goiter).
                        1. Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
                        2. Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
                        3. Treatment
                      2. types
                        1. Diffuse toxic goiters- Graves disease
                          1. An immunoglobulin called thyroid-stimulating immunoglobin (TSI) found in the blood of all patients; TSI binds to the TSH receptor and induce TSH-like effects; TSI effects persist longer than TSH (up to 12 hrs vs. 1 hr respectively) Plasma level of TSH is suppressed due to the high level of thyroid hormones
                            1. females 20-40
                              1. autoimmune
                            2. Diagnosis
                              1. Thyroid auto antibodies
                                1. TSH is deccreased & free T4 is increased
                                  1. TSH is deccreased & free T4 is increased
                                  2. History taking
                                    1. Physical examination
                                  3. Toxic Multinodular Goiters
                                    1. Thyroditis
                                    2. Pituitary Adenoma (TSHoma)
                                      1. causes
                                        1. Excessive iodine intake
                                          1. Abnormal secretion of TSH
                                            1. Excessive intake of thyroid hormones
                                              1. Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland)
                                          2. TSH,T4 and T3 measurements
                                            1. thyroid auto-antibody and serum thyroglobulin measurements, thyroid enzyme activities, biopsy of the thyroid, ultrasound and isotopic thyroid scanning
                                              1. Autoantibodies : TSH receptor autoantibody, Thyroglobulin autoantibody, thyroid peroxidase autoantibody (more common in hypothyroidism)
                                                1. Antigen presenting cell presents TSH like antigen activating naïve t cells which activate B cells which produce TSH like autoantibodies
                                              2. radioactive iodine scan
                                            2. Anatomy of the thyroid gland
                                              1. Nerve supply
                                                1. Supplied by superior, middle & inferior cervical sympathetic ganglia.
                                                  1. Fibers: Vasomotor & not secreto-motor
                                                2. lymphatics
                                                  1. Upper part of the gland to upper deep cervical nodes via the prelaryngeal, pretracheal & paratracheal nodes.
                                                    1. Lower part to lower deep cervical nodes. The lymphatic's form a plexus & lymph can drain in any direction.


                                                ESTRUTURA DAS PALAVRAS - Morfologia
                                                Viviana Veloso
                                                Sociologia - Origem
                                                Malu Miralha
                                                II GUERRA MUNDIAL
                                                Luis Augusto Oliveira
                                                10 Dicas para a Redação do ENEM
                                                GoConqr suporte .
                                                Equações estatísticas
                                                Luiz Fernando
                                                Cinética Química
                                                GoConqr suporte .
                                                Leis de Newton.
                                                GoConqr suporte .
                                                SEGUNDO REINADO
                                                Lucas Villar
                                                Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas: como aplicar em sala de aula
                                                Alice Sousa
                                                Anatomia: sistema esquelético I
                                                Natália Abitbol
                                                Francês - Gramática
                                                Laisse Almeida