Going Places


Elapa electronico
Mapa Mental por Elapa electronico, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elapa electronico
Criado por Elapa electronico quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Going Places
  1. Grammar
    1. send and town truck
      1. have a breaksown
        1. call the auto club
          1. turn of the hazard ligths
            1. get directions
              1. use a safety triangle
                1. change a tire
                  1. raise the hood
                  2. Life stories
                    1. it had a lot of numbers and buttons
                      1. jie teaches them
                        1. no it isnt its much easier
                          1. undestanding telephone english
                            1. I want to talk to mr adams
                              1. using the office phone
                              2. grammar
                                1. had
                                  1. was
                                    1. said
                                      1. going
                                        1. did not
                                          1. was not
                                            1. was
                                              1. were
                                              2. every day conversation
                                                1. he thinks she could
                                                  1. he thinks she should join
                                                    1. making airplane reservations
                                                      1. call the hotel
                                                        1. looking for a bus map
                                                          1. she thinks he should try wo website...
                                                          2. real life reading
                                                            1. False
                                                              1. False
                                                                1. No information
                                                                  1. No information
                                                                    1. False
                                                                      1. True
                                                                        1. True
                                                                          1. True


                                                                          Orações Subordinadas Adverbiais
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                                                                          simulado de português
                                                                          Alessandra S.
                                                                          Phrasal Verbs II
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                                                                          Mapas Mentais em Sala de Aula
                                                                          GoConqr suporte .
                                                                          O Segredo para uma Memória Ativa
                                                                          Alice Sousa
                                                                          MODAIS DE TRANSPORTE
                                                                          Pâmela Peres de Paula
                                                                          ACA - PARTE 1
                                                                          Carlos Henrique Lima