The Nazi – Soviet Pact


GCSE History-Germany (The Road to War) Mapa Mental sobre The Nazi – Soviet Pact, criado por RashaKay em 31-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por RashaKay, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por RashaKay mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Nazi – Soviet Pact
  1. 1934 -USSR joined L.O.N
    1. 1935- Signed a treaty with France against Hitler
      1. Stalin suspicious of Nazis
        1. USSR never trusted France
          1. Why didn't anybody stand up to Hitler earlier?
            1. After Munich- Stalin negotiated with Germany to protect the USSR
              1. Nazi-Soviet Pact signed- August 1939
                1. Agreement not to attack each other
                  1. Secretly planned to carve up Poland
                    1. If Germany invaded Poland; USSR would get Latvia,Estonia,Finland+East Poland
                      1. Hitler never intended to let them keep those areas
                        1. 1st September 1939- Hitler invaded Poland
                          1. 3rd September 1939- Britain declares war


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