Task Analysis: Gluten formation is essential when making different types of dough. Investigate the functional and chemical properties of a flour based dough.


Task Analysis for task 1 (science of bread)
Barbara B
Mapa Mental por Barbara B, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Barbara B
Criado por Barbara B aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Task Analysis: Gluten formation is essential when making different types of dough. Investigate the functional and chemical properties of a flour based dough.
  1. Gluten Formation: Gluten doesn't even exist until flour becomes wet. Water is what coaxes the two wheat proteins glutenin and gliadin to combine and form gluten. So by adding or withholding water from dough or batter, you can encourage or deter gluten's development. (google)
    1. Investigate: I am going to study/carry out research into bread.
      1. Functional: I am going to look at the method/ process of making bread.
        1. Chemical: I am going to look at the chemical properties within bread.


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