Block 5 50 word notes Making Care Safer


Mapa Mental sobre Block 5 50 word notes Making Care Safer, criado por Adele40 em 31-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por Adele40, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Adele40 quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Block 5 50 word notes Making Care Safer
  1. Unit 18
    1. Handling Personal Information
      1. Keeping Records
        1. Why?
          1. Problems
          2. Experiences of Records
            1. Role
              1. Mistakes
                1. Getting hold
                  1. Dan Morgan/Mother
                  2. Partiality/missing
                  3. Electronic Records
                    1. Differences to paper
                      1. Pro's & Cons
                      2. Sharing Information from personal records
                        1. Loosing my Voice
                          1. Christine, Health Visitor, Limited notes
                            1. Amy & Brian Parents
                              1. Zach - name spelt wrong
                        2. What is Confidential?
                          1. Sensitive
                            1. Implicit & Implied Consent
                            2. Unit 17
                              1. Unacceptable Care
                                1. Receiving/Offering Intimate Care
                                  1. Elspeth
                                    1. Marie O'Brien
                                      1. Millstream Court
                                        1. Fakhra & Richard
                                        2. Embarrassment
                                        3. Negotiating Boundaries
                                          1. Challenging Behaviour
                                            1. Rosalie
                                              1. What it implies?
                                                1. Responding?
                                                2. Unacceptable Practice in workplace
                                                  1. Lee Treweek Bedroom Abuse
                                                    1. Abusive Care
                                                      1. How it develops?
                                                        1. Reporting/Whistleblowing
                                                          1. Prevention
                                                          2. Training & Support
                                                            1. Depersonalisation
                                                              1. Poor Quality
                                                                1. Employees lacking skills
                                                                  1. Bad practise Evolving
                                                                    1. Poor empathy
                                                                      1. Good Code of Practice
                                                                      2. Unit 19
                                                                        1. Being Accountable
                                                                          1. Millstream Court
                                                                            1. Marie, Richard & Fakhra
                                                                            2. Who?
                                                                            3. Getting Care Right
                                                                              1. Protocols & Guidelines
                                                                                1. What are they?
                                                                                  1. Who makes them?
                                                                                    1. Working with them
                                                                                      1. Problems
                                                                                        1. Marilyn - familiar don't refer to them
                                                                                        2. Evidenced based Care
                                                                                          1. Pro - tried & tested
                                                                                            1. Con - not trying anything new
                                                                                              1. Knowledge based care
                                                                                              2. Using the Internet
                                                                                                1. How improves Care
                                                                                                  1. Effects of internet information
                                                                                                    1. Users?


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