Demand and supply


for test on thursday the 14th of december 2017
lauren elliott
Mapa Mental por lauren elliott, atualizado more than 1 year ago
lauren elliott
Criado por lauren elliott quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Demand and supply
    1. Where buyers and sellers interact


      • in order to sell goods and services 
    2. Law of demand
      1. the quantity of a product +the willingness of a consumer to buy @ a givin price
      2. law of supply
        1. the quantity of a product + the willingness of the producers to make available for sale @ a given price
        2. Commoity
          1. refers to a raw material or primary agricultural produt that can be bought+ sold
          2. 3 factors that would cause a shift in a demand curve
            1. numbers of consumers
              1. change in expectations
                1. decrease in price
                2. cause a shift in a demand curve
                  1. change in cost
                    1. Change in raw material
                      1. change in labour
                      2. Equilibrium
                        1. price is when the suppliers and buyers are happy to buy and sell the item for a certain price


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