La Alhambra


Mind Map on La Alhambra, created by Audrey Evans on 01/10/2018.
Audrey Evans
Mapa Mental por Audrey Evans, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Audrey Evans
Criado por Audrey Evans quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

La Alhambra
  1. architecture
    1. One of the most famous examples of Islamic art
      1. Muhammad V decorated La Alhambra
        1. Every inch of Alhambra was decorated
        2. surroundings
          1. (other places in Greneda)
            1. The underwater sculpture park
              1. The Herb and Spice garden
                1. Moliniere Point
              2. facts
                1. La Alhambra was added to ramparts in the 9th century
                  1. Alhambra is short for Calat Alhambra
                    1. Alhambra means "red castle"
                    2. location
                      1. La Alhambra is in Grenada, Spain
                        1. La Alhambra is located on al-sabika hill
                          1. La Alhambra was put on the hill to give a view of the city


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