

A level philosophy and ethics Mapa Mental sobre Theft, criado por Lucy Amos em 11-01-2018.
Lucy Amos
Mapa Mental por Lucy Amos, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lucy Amos
Criado por Lucy Amos mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Natural Moral Law
    1. Aquinas
      1. Only right if proportional reason exists
        1. E.G if a starving man steals in order to save his life
          1. Especially if the person you are stealing off has had enough themselves -rich
            1. Primary precept
              1. Preserving life
              2. Intention to save life not to cause harm
                1. Enables himto help his family too
          2. Breaks primary precept of living in an ordered society
            1. Leads to disorder
              1. Breaks secondary precepts
                1. "Do not steal"


                  • Biblical commandment 
              2. Break cardinal virtue of justice
              3. Situation Ethics
                1. Only if it maximises love
                  1. It is the essence of pragmatism
                    1. Stealing rarely maximises love
                    2. It puts you as a person above the law
                      1. It deprives other people with the possibility of using it as they could be in the same situation as you
                        1. Fletcher
                        2. Virtue ethics
                          1. Aristotle
                            1. It is a base action
                              1. Breaks the cardinal virtue of justice
                                1. You dont do it because you have become a virtuous person
                                  1. You do do it but you learn that it is not virtuous


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