Erikson's Psychosocial stages of development (early childhood)


University Psychology 144 (Chapter 4) Mapa Mental sobre Erikson's Psychosocial stages of development (early childhood), criado por Zeneatha Jònsson em 26-08-2014.
Zeneatha Jònsson
Mapa Mental por Zeneatha Jònsson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Zeneatha Jònsson
Criado por Zeneatha Jònsson mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Erikson's Psychosocial stages of development (early childhood)
  1. Erik Erikson
    1. 8 Stages of development
      1. First 3 stages fall within preschool
        1. First stage:
          1. Basic Trust vs. Mistrust
            1. Caregiver plays important role in the resolution of this stage
              1. Infant needs consistent, reliable & predictable caregiving care-giving in order to learn to trust others to care for their basic needs
            2. 2-3 years:
              1. Autonomy vs. Shame & doubt
                1. Toddlers become more independent
                  1. Caregivers must provide appropriate guidance based on child's level of maturation & development
                    1. Children must try new skills and confidence
                  2. 6 years:
                    1. Initiative vs. guilt:
                      1. relates to issue of mastery and competence
                        1. infant's tackle new tasks, interact with peers & caregivers


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