Technologies used in the Research and Planning Stage


Mapa Mental sobre Technologies used in the Research and Planning Stage, criado por laith Lyster em 21-01-2018.
laith Lyster
Mapa Mental por laith Lyster, atualizado more than 1 year ago
laith Lyster
Criado por laith Lyster aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Technologies used in the Research and Planning Stage
  1. Adobe Premier Pro
    1. We used this software to edit our Steal-o-matic
    2. Web 2.0
      1. YouTube
        1. This online platform is where we found the existing music video which were then compiled into a short steal-o-matic
        2. Giphy
          1. We used this online software to present short clips from existing music video shots which acted as inspiration for our video
        3. Blogger
          1. To record the stages of our Research and Planning
          2. Microsoft Word
            1. Used to create mood boards of our inspirations as well as casting lists, set/prop list, etc.
            2. Laptops/iPads
              1. We used iPads and Laptops as our main pieces of hardware when researching existing music videos
              2. Smartphones
                1. We made a group chat on Whatsapp so we could communicate quickly and easily
                  1. We took videos of rehearsals and any inspirations we found


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