Acquired Immunity: Cell-med and Humoral


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Resumo de Recurso

Acquired Immunity: Cell-med and Humoral
  1. Antigen Presenting Cell arrives at Lymphnode
    1. APC
      1. MHC II
        1. Antigen
          1. TCR
            1. immature CD4+ T helper cells
              1. Differentiation Maturation
                1. Mature CD4+ THI cells
                  1. Bring over CD8+ T cells
                    1. mature CD8+ T cells
                      1. mature CD8+ T cells
                        1. TCR
                    2. IL 2
                      1. INF-gamma
                      2. further macrophage activation
                        1. production of IL-1
                          1. helps with epithelial rolling
                          2. releases reactive oxygen species
                  2. IL 2
                    1. INF-gamma
                      1. MHC I
                        1. A
                          1. mature CD8+ T cells
                            1. Infected Cell
                              1. MHC I
                                1. A
                                  1. Release of Cytotoxic Granule
                                    1. Granzyme
                                      1. Perforin
                                        1. Punches Holes in cell's exterior
                                        2. Enzyme that messes up cell's interior
                                2. mature CD8+ T cells
                                  1. Activation of "Death Sign
                                    1. FAS-FAS Ligand
                                      1. Apoptosis
                          2. Cell Mediated Response
                            1. Humoral Response
                              1. APC
                                1. MHC II
                                  1. A
                                    1. TCR
                                      1. immature CD4+ T helper cells
                                        1. Differentiation Maturation
                                          1. Mature CD4+ TH II Cells
                                            1. IL 5
                                              1. B cell maturation
                                                1. Plasma B cells
                                                  1. Undergoes Class Switch
                                                    1.  Early stages of infection
                                                      1. mainly IgM
                                                        1. Innate antibody
                                                          1. Very nonspecific
                                                            1. Pentamer
                                                            2. BCR
                                                              1. IgD
                                                                1. IgM
                                                                  1. Can accept antigen and trigger release of chemokine same way APC will
                                                                    1. EARLY STAGES: IgM
                                                                      1. IgM will act as a BCR and trigger
                                                                        1. OR
                                                                          1. cause class switch
                                                                            1. b/c chemokine cause clonal selection and clonal expansion
                                                                          2. APC will trigger
                                                                    2. Later stages of infection
                                                                      1. mainly IgG
                                                                        1. specific antibody
                                                                          1. Transplacental
                                                                            1. Clumps and neutralizes pathogens
                                                                      2. produces the antibodies
                                                                      3. Memory B cells
                                                                        1. stores antibodies in case of second exposure
                                                                        2. Memory T cells
                                                                      4. IL 10
                                                                        1. inhibits maturation and proliferation after a while
                                                                        2. IL 4
                                                                          1. Clonal Selection
                                                                            1. Clonal Expansion
                                                              2. cannot happen without cell mediated


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