1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks Joshua Guerrero V2


Mapa Mental sobre 1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks Joshua Guerrero V2, criado por Joshua G em 25-01-2018.
Joshua G
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Joshua G
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1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks Joshua Guerrero V2
  1. WAN
    1. Wide Area Network
      1. Computers are connected over a large geographical area. This could be several buildings/sites, town wide, county wide or even country wide.
        1. WAN uses external hardware and external infrastructure e.g. use of satellite, phone lines or The Internet, provided by a telecoms company
          1. The biggest WAN would be a global collection of networks (known as The Internet)
        2. LAN
          1. Local area network
            1. Computers are connected together over a small geographical area such as a single building or a single site
              1. LAN has its own infrastructure of cabling and network hardware due to distance and practicalities
            2. MBPS
              1. Megabits Per Second.
              2. PAN
                1. Personal Area Network
                  1. Personal devices are connected, often in the home
                    1. Transmission over a short distance (10m) by devices such as laptops, phones, tablets, media players, speakers, printers
                      1. Bluetooth could be used as well as wi-fi/cables
                    2. DNS
                      1. Domain Name System.
                      2. Fibre optic cables
                        1. This transmit data through light so do not suffer from electrical interference.
                          1. Data can be transmitted over very large distances without any loss of signal quality
                            1. They are able to transmit data at a higher bandwidth.
                              1. They are very expensive
                              2. MAN
                                1. Metropolitan Area Network
                                  1. Devices are connected in a city
                                    1. Less common now that it used to be due to the widespread availability of fast mobile data using 4G
                                  2. Bandwidth
                                    1. Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted
                                    2. There are two ways of setting up a network to share data and services where computers have different relationships with each other
                                      1. Client Server
                                        1. The network relies on a central server
                                          1. All clients (devices) request services from the server (e.g. print services / file services)
                                            1. Additional hardware would be needed e.g. high end powerful servers
                                              1. Client computers are a lower spec than the server
                                                1. Servers can be specialised eg printer server, email server Server can be a computer or the software
                                                  1. Receives and processes requests from " clients" made is another device on the network server stored user account details and files
                                                  2. Peer-Peer
                                                    1. All computers have equal status
                                                      1. Each device can act as a client and a server
                                                        1. All devices can request and provide network services
                                                          1. No additional hardware / software needed to set up this type of network so are easy to set up


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