Motion in 2 and 3 dimensions: Ch. 4


Mapa Mental sobre Motion in 2 and 3 dimensions: Ch. 4, criado por Meri perkins em 29-01-2018.
Meri perkins
Mapa Mental por Meri perkins, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Meri perkins
Criado por Meri perkins quase 7 anos atrás

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Motion in 2 and 3 dimensions: Ch. 4
  1. Projectile Motion
    1. Horizontal Motion
      1. x Speed never changes
        1. Vix=vx
      2. Vertical motion
        1. vy=vy+ay(t)
          1. viy-gt
        2. How do we find Range?
          1. Ex. vi= 55m/s
            1. h= 500m
              1. angle= tan^-1(h/x)
                1. angle is the top left of RT with 90 degree angle on left
                  1. x= vix(t)+1/2(ax)(t^2)
                    1. x=vix(t)
                      1. ax=0
                        1. deltay=viyt +_ 1/2 ay t^2
                          1. -h=sqrt(2h/g)
                            1. 10.15
                              1. This goes into x= vix(t)
                                1. x=(55m/s)(10.15)
                                  1. angle = tan^-1 (555.5/500)
                                    1. 45 deg
                                      1. After Being shot from a cannon soured over 3 Ferris Wheels into a net
                                        1. Known values
                                          1. vi=26.5m/s
                                            1. angle theta= 53deg
                                              1. ay=-g
                                                1. -9.81m/s^2
                                                  1. Distance in x To first wheel: 23 m
                                                    1. h=delta h-H
                                                      1. Time to cross Ferris wheel
                                                        1. delta y = viy(t)-1/2gt^2
                                                          1. delta x/vocosthetai
                                                          2. delta y=visintheta(deltax/vicosthetai)-1/2 g (deltax/vicosthetai)^2
                                                            1. =deltax tan theta-1/2g (delta x^2)/(vi^2cos^2 Thetai)
                                                              1. If Reached max height, How much did rider Clear it?
                                                                1. Here we are finding range
                                                                  1. R-= vi^2/g * sin 2thetai
                                                                    1. How Far should Net Be? away from initial starting point
                                                                  2. Use KInematic equations the most
                                                                  3. a) this is calculating clearence over first wheel
                                                  2. unkown
                                                    1. vix=vicostheta
                                                      1. viy=viysin theta
                      2. Uniform Circular motion
                        1. Velocity must be constant for a=0
                          1. To Obtain UCM
                            1. Travels around a circle or circular arc
                              1. Must be at constant speed
                                1. since Velocity Constantly changes The particle is accellerating
                                  1. Veloc and accel. Both have
                                    1. 1) Constant Magnitude
                                      1. 2) Changing direction
                                        1. Ex. We have a circle
                                          1. v (mag)=-vxi(hat)+vyj(hat)
                                            1. Look at where theta is on the circle
                                              1. =-vsini(hat)+vcosj(hat)
                                                1. costheta=y/x
                                                  1. In a particular triagle
                                                  2. Velocity Vector
                                                    1. v(mag)=-v(y/r)i(hat) + v (x/r)j(hat)
                                                      1. a=-v/r (dy/dt)i (hat) + v/r (dx/dt) j(hat)
                                                        1. =-v^2/rvcos i (hat) + v/r * vsin theta j(hat)
                                                          1. a(mag)= v^2/r * costhetai(hat) + v^2/r * sinthetaj(hat)
                                                            1. absvalue a = sqrt ((-v^2/r* costheta)^2+(v^2/r* sintheta)^2)
                                        2. Speed and veloc not same!
                                        3. Circular Motion:
                                          1. Centripital Acceleration
                                            1. change in speed over change in time
                                              1. a=v^2/r
                                                1. Period of Revolution
                                                  1. Time is takes to go around path once
                                                    1. T=2pir/v


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