Gordon Allport


Australian Capital Territory - Australian Capital Territory Year 12 Certificate Psychology Mapa Mental sobre Gordon Allport, criado por jasmin.uppal em 04-06-2013.
Mapa Mental por jasmin.uppal, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jasmin.uppal mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Gordon Allport
  1. Trait Theory
    1. Central traits refer to general characteristics that are present to some degree in almost everyone. Examples of central traits could be kindness, honesty or friendliness.
      1. Cardinal traits are those that dominate personality to the point that people are famous for them. For example, Mother Teresa is often identified as exemplifying the cardinal trait, altruism, as her life was complety devoted to helping others, even at her own expense.
        1. Secondary traits are characteristics that surface only in certain situations. Some examples could be shyness, irritability or anxiety.
        2. Born November 11, 1897 - Died October 9, 1967


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