Psychological methods of stress management


A-Levels Psychology (Stress) Mapa Mental sobre Psychological methods of stress management, criado por WhisperedWishes em 04-06-2013.
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Psychological methods of stress management
  1. Cognitive behavioural therapy.
    1. CBT is a psychological means of stress management based on replacing irrational, maladaptive thought processes with rational, adaptive ones.
      1. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT, or the ABC method), and the Treatment of Negative Automatic Thoughts - ALSO IN ABNORMALITY.
      2. Stress inoculation therapy.
        1. The idea behind SIT is to apply the therapy before the stress-related disorder actually occurs.
          1. SIT is a form of cognitive restructuring. This term refers to various methods of changing the way people think about themselves and their lives.
            1. SIT is a cognitive behavioural method of stress management.
              1. The cognitive part involves individuals being trained to recognise stress symptoms and the behavioural part involves the use of certain skills to act upon the causes of stress.
              2. SIT has successfully treated acute stressors such as medical examinations, chronic intermittent stressors such as recurrent headaches and chronic continual stressors like medical illnesses.
                1. SIT has three phases in restructuring how a person thinks:
                  1. 1. Assessment - where the patient and therapist discuss the problem and consider how to deal with it.
                    1. 2. Stress-reduction techniques - where patients are taught skills to deal with stress, such as self-instruction, where coping self-statements are practised.
                      1. Direct action might include learning physical reaction exercises. Cognitive coping might involve the use of preparation statements, which are positive and incompatible with negative self-statements.
                      2. 3. Application and follow-through - where patients visualise using stress-reduction techniques learned and then use them in role play exercises and lastly in real-life situations.
                    2. Jay and Elliot developed a videotape for parents of 3-12 year olds with leukaemia who where undergoing treatment. One hour before treatment, parents are shown the film of a model parent employing self-statements, relaxation techniques and coping imagery rehearsal. The parents then practice this. Compared to other parents the SIT parents showed significantly less anxiety.
                      1. This implies SIT to be an effective treatment for acute stressors.


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