Yellowstone supervolcano


Mapa Mental sobre Yellowstone supervolcano, criado por Alex Roll em 15-02-2018.
Alex Roll
Mapa Mental por Alex Roll, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alex Roll
Criado por Alex Roll quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Yellowstone supervolcano
  1. Why?
    1. lies on a hotspot
      1. magma chamber 80km long / 40km wide / 8 km deep
        1. 20-25,000cubic km of magma
          1. contains 5x the magam needed to make a supervolcano = 5,000cubic km of magma
      2. What?
        1. cataclismic eruption
          1. 1000+ cubic km material (magma and pyroclastic material)
            1. immensely violent VEI 8
              1. 100m thick ash and tephra
              2. less violent basaltic flood
            2. Caldera - flat and sunken crater
            3. When?
              1. every 600,000 yrs
                1. last one c.640,000 yrs ago
                2. Where?
                  1. Yelowstone Park,
                    1. Norris Geyser Basin
                      1. 2003 - increase in ground temps to 100C / more frequent geyser eruptions / more gases from vents / 5 bison died of hydrogen sulphide & carbon dioxide poisoning / trees died / closed to public
                        1. uplift due to magma rising or gas levels increasing
                    2. So what?
                      1. immediate effects
                        1. extinguish all life forms withing 200km radius
                          1. further afield: transport, livestock power lines and water affected
                            1. 40-50 km high cloud of ash
                              1. equivalent to 1000 hiroshima bombs a second
                                1. more rainfall - lahars. could cause 50,000 deaths
                                  1. 15cm ash within 1,000km: loss of homes / roof colapse and 1 in 3 people die.
                                    1. Ash reaches Europe in 5 days
                                    2. longer term effects
                                      1. onset of glaciation - winter temps drop by 1-2.5 C
                                        1. fall in agricultural yield -
                                          1. increase in food prices
                                            1. famine
                                              1. conflict
                                            2. sulphurous cloak around world in 3 wks.
                                              1. drop of 12C in high latitudes - permanent snow.
                                                1. Tropics - drop of 15C / failure of monsoon. 40% world pop facing starvation


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