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Genetic Factors


A Level Psychology A2 (Aggression) Mapa Mental sobre Genetic Factors, criado por SophHatherlyx em 06-06-2013.
Mapa Mental por SophHatherlyx, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por SophHatherlyx mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Genetic Factors
  1. Twin and Adoption
    1. A01
      1. Twin studies with MZ and DZ, if MZ more alike in aggression than DZ assumes genetic link as MZ share all genes, DZ only half
        1. If positive correlation between child and biological parents aggressive behaviour suggests bio.
          1. If positive correlation between child and adoptive parent, assumes environment not bio
            1. MILES AND CAREY- studied adoptive boys with criminal convictions. many had bio parents with criminal convictions
            2. A02
              1. Support...
                1. MILES AND CAREY- meta analysis 24 adoption, found strong genetic and environment in younger, and strong genetic in older individuals
                  1. RHEE- 51 adoption, strong correlation of genetics and aggression/antisocial behavior
                  2. However...
                    1. Mostly self-report. when observattional, less correlation. so method used has effect on findings
                      1. May be other factors involved, eg age
                        1. PLOMIN- found no differnce in correlation between MZ and DZ
                    2. Genes
                      1. A01
                        1. MAOA- gene that regulates metabolism of seratonin. low levels = aggression. so may be due to this gene
                          1. BRUNNER- violent Dutch family, low levels of MAOA, faulty MAOA gene so seratonin not regulated.
                            1. CASPI- two variants, one with high levels of MAOA and one with low. low=more aggressive ONLY if maltreated as child. assumes environment is factor, not all genes
                            2. A02
                              1. Support...
                                1. YOUNG- rodents, eliminated a single gene, the mutation showed to cause aggression. can be seen in mice. Also exists in humans but its function isnt known
                                2. However...
                                  1. VALID? focuses on those convicted of violence but only represents minority. also, murder is ONE violent act not constantly aggressive
                                    1. many genes which contribute to behaviours so hard to name just one. also, may be due to SLT and environment
                                      1. BRENNAN- genetics significant in case of petty not violent crimes
                                  2. Violent Crimes
                                    1. A01
                                      1. Inherited temperment/ personality makes people more likely to commit violence. research shown clear evidence of genetics and environment as high rates of criminal violence when both bio and adoptive parents are violent
                                      2. A02
                                        1. HOWEVER... ethics, labelling someone as a threat based on genetics. as evidence isnt conclusive.
                                      3. A03
                                        1. CULTURE- !kungsan tribe
                                          1. ANIMAL- young, generalisable?
                                            1. SOCIALLY SENSITIVE- may cause distress talking about crimes commited or giving up child.
                                              1. REAL LIFE- led to genentic engineering to prevent crimes.


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