Online Learning Tips


Mapa Mental sobre Online Learning Tips, criado por michelle_mouton em 08-06-2013.
Mapa Mental por michelle_mouton, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por michelle_mouton mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Online Learning Tips
  1. Put aside at least 3 hours a week for this class - make a date for it in your schedule!
    1. Take the quizzes even if they aren't for grades - they were helpful
      1. Print out the assignments and due dates at the beginning of the course and post them up where you see them frequently
        1. Try to check the course every two days so you don't get overwhelmed with content and discussion boards
          1. Schedule a time before Thursday, and a time before Sunday, to enter Discussion submissions
            1. Check your DCMail EVERY DAY as this is how your intructors can get hold of you
              1. Remember to ALWAYS cite your resources to avoid plagiarism
                1. Use reminders eg. Sticky notes on your fridge
                  1. Set time aside for graded work and ensure you get it in before Sunday midnight


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