Khawla has complication


Mapa Mental sobre Khawla has complication, criado por Batool Aldaher em 17-03-2018.
Batool Aldaher
Mapa Mental por Batool Aldaher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Batool Aldaher
Criado por Batool Aldaher mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Khawla has complication
  1. Kidney
    1. Anatomy
      1. Histology
      2. Cholesterol
        1. Function:
          1. Hormone Manufacturing
            1. Digestion
              1. Building Blocks
                1. Cell membrane integrity
        2. Body fluid composition
          1. Kidney role
          2. Glomerular filtration
            1. Starling Forces
              1. GFR
                1. Calculation
                  1. GFR= Kf [(PGC-PBS)-π GC
                  2. the clearance of a substance freely filtered at the glomerulus but not reabsorbed or secreted in the tubules is the value of GFR
                    1. Filtration Barrier
                      1. substances used:
                        1. Creatinine
                          1. Urea
                            1. Inulin clearance
                      2. Investigations
                        1. 24-hour Urine Protein Test
                    2. Glomerular diseases
                      1. Nephrotic syndrome
                        1. Protenuria
                          1. Hypoalbuminia
                            1. Edema
                              1. Factor
                                1. obstruction of fluid clearance in the lymphatic system
                                  1. changes in the water retaining properties
                                  2. Diuretics
                                    1. Classes
                                      1. Thiazide and thiazide-like
                                        1. Loop
                                          1. Potassium-sparing
                                            1. Osmotic
                              2. Types:
                                1. MCD
                                  1. MGN
                                    1. FSGN
                                      1. MPGN
                              3. Nephritic Syndrome
                                1. Types:
                                  1. DPGN
                                    1. RPGN
                                      1. IgA nephropathy
                                        1. ALPORT SYNDROME
                              4. Dialysis and transplant
                                  1. Types of Dialysis:
                                    1. Hemodialysis
                                      1. Peritoneal dialysis


                                  Direito Administrativo - Visão Geral
                                  tiago meira de almeida
                                  Operações Matemáticas
                                  Arleny De Souza
                                  Tectónicas de placas
                                  MAPA MENTAL - METODOLOGIA DO ENSINO SUPERIOR
                                  Provas anteriores de Vestibular - Fuvest 1
                                  GoConqr suporte .
                                  QUIZ - INEQUAÇÃO
                                  Marcio Colucci
                                  TICs na Matemática
                                  Erika Lopes
                                  Normas Regulamentadoras de Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho (NR)
                                  Edson Baal
                                  Quiz - Advérbios
                                  Rodrigo de Freit9506
                                  Isadora Borges