How to rise above the "I Hate myself" mindset


Mapa Mental sobre How to rise above the "I Hate myself" mindset, criado por Adewale Ademuyiw em 14-09-2014.
Adewale Ademuyiw
Mapa Mental por Adewale Ademuyiw, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Adewale Ademuyiw
Criado por Adewale Ademuyiw aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

How to rise above the "I Hate myself" mindset
  1. The problem
    1. How Is the "I hate myself" problem created?
      1. As an outcome of strengths developed.
        1. The concept of intra personal relationship with ourselves.
          1. As an outcome of something you don't like that you feel stuck with because of you being you
          2. Hindrances to breaking free from the "I hate myself mindset"
            1. A misunderstanding of emotional rules
              1. Mismatch between Self-knowledge and reality
                1. Feeling self punishment/abuse is justified and sometimes validating
                  1. A misrepresentation of the opposite of self
                  2. Things people hate themselves for
                    1. Everything about myself needs to be broken down
                      1. Weight
                        1. Body shape and size
                          1. Not able to meet other peoples expectation
                            1. For being depressed
                              1. personality
                                1. No one seems to really care or like me, or talk to me
                              2. The science
                                1. The brains need to latch on to what it expects to notice
                                  1. The more you expect to notice it the more you do
                                  2. The brain survives by experiencing signals and making sense of those signals.
                                    1. A greater chance that what you are thinking about you is not so true
                                    2. Live Cognitive experiment to take place during the discussion
                                    3. The Solution
                                      1. To be discussed during the live presentation


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