EID100 Week 8: Design Thinking


Mapa Mental sobre EID100 Week 8: Design Thinking, criado por Karlee R em 22-03-2018.
Karlee R
Mapa Mental por Karlee R, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Karlee R
Criado por Karlee R mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

EID100 Week 8: Design Thinking
  1. Customization
    1. Focused approach
      1. Empathy vs. Rationality
        1. Application > Thinking (you need to improve on the process)
          1. Usable vs. Useful
            1. Usable: positive experience
              1. Useful: negative experience (generally) - hide down in the menu
            2. Try to solve the users' needs
              1. Have the customer in mind
            3. Aesthetics
              1. What makes something beautiful
                1. Rights Management
                  1. DRM: Digital Rights Management
                    1. Set of access control technologies for restricting the use of proprietary hardware and copyrighted works.
                2. Design Mehodologies
                  1. Waterfall
                    1. You set your expectations at the beginning, and after the requirements, then the design and architecture of the device happens, etc. etc. It moves in a waterfall flow
                      1. Requirements → Design → Implementation → Verification → Maintenance
                    2. Lean
                      1. You test, you find out what is the one function that you’re going to work on. Then you make it, test it, and, then you go back and add other features, etc
                    3. Ideas
                      1. How do you know if you have a good idea?
                        1. What other people think!
                          1. Customer input/ Testing
                          2. Minimum Viable Product
                            1. Minimum: simplest functionality
                              1. Viability: how sustainable it is, ability to achieve the goal
                              2. Design Thinking Tactics
                                1. Make a profile of your ideal user
                                  1. Create a story of the user experiencing the problem
                                    1. Design from the inside outwards
                                2. Native vs. Web applications
                                  1. Native applications - designed strictly for that platform (ex. iOS or Android) . Can use phone features such as notifications or gyroscope
                                    1. Web Applications - Visit a link in a browser . Interoperable, Limitations to access of phone features Needs internet
                                    2. Application Analytics
                                      1. Stickiness
                                        1. How many power (aka money-spending, loyal) users you have
                                        2. Analog
                                          1. Recommendations by your friends via word of mouth
                                          2. Freemium
                                            1. Parts of your application are free, and decided when is appropriate to incorporate payments


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