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Cranial Bones
Mapa Mental sobre Cranial Bones, criado por Nikhil Dhall em 16-09-2014.
Mapa Mental por
Nikhil Dhall
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Nikhil Dhall
mais de 10 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Cranial Bones
supraorbital margin "ridge" - ridge on top of eye socket. Can break blood vessels here forming black eye
Supraorbital foramen - small hole on ridge for nerves and blood vessels
Orbital surface - forms top of eye socket
frontal sinuses - cavities of air cells in bone. Located in bridge of nose by forehead and eyebrows.
Superior temporal line
inferior temporal line
zygomatic process - forms half of cheek bone and joins with temporal process on zygomatic bone
mastoid process - bump behind your ear. Sternocleidomastoid attachment point. Has air cells (sinus) that connect with middle ear.
styloid process - very pointy downwards. Attachment point for many ligaments and muscles.
external acoustic meatus - large hole that opens to external ear canal and ends at ear drum.
Internal acoustic meatus - visible in sagittal view. Where nerve for balance exits
Mandibular fossa - jaw joint under zygomatic process.
Stylomastoid foramen - Facial nerve CN 7 near mastoid and styloid process.
Jugular Fossa (foramen) - jugular vessel passing. Forms Jugular foramen when joined with occipital bone.
carotid canal - anterior to jugular fossa. Where INTERNAL carotid artery enters brain.
Petrous portion - houses inner ear structures for hearing and balance. Vestibular cochlear nerve CN 8 passes.
Foramen magnum - large hole that connects spinal cord and brain stem
occipital condyle - articulates with 1st cervical vertebrae. Helps to nod head
External occipital protuberance - bump on the back of your head. Ligament attaches here to 7th cervical vertebrae to hold head upright.
Nuchal lines - trapezius muscle attachment
Hypoglossal canal - under the occipital condyle. Allows passage of CN 12 to control tongue.
sphenoidal sinus
superior orbital fissure - hole lateral to sphenoidal sinus. Allows passage for 3 ocular CN nerves.
optic canal - CN2
cella tursica - saddle for brain on interior surface of bone
foramen rotundum - listed anterior to posterior
foramen ovale
foramen spinosum
Greater/lesser wings
Christa Galli - forms nasal cavity and orbit of eye. Connects to "seat belt" of brain.
foramina - lots of foramen in cribiform plate. Olfactory nerves CN1 and ocular CN2 pass.
lateral masses - contains ethnoid sinuses (side of your nose)
nasal concha - forms turbulentia that create turbulence in air to help mucus trap dust ect.
perpendicular plate - nasal septum (divide bone into 2 cavities).
Lambdoid: occipital and parietal bones. Sutural bones grow in gap.
Coronal - parietal and frontal bone
sagittal - parietal bone suture
Sqamous - parietal and temporal bone
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