Market Share Projection Tips for Small Businesses


Tarea de inglés
Luz Yeimer Moreno Montero
Mapa Mental por Luz Yeimer Moreno Montero, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Luz Yeimer Moreno Montero
Criado por Luz Yeimer Moreno Montero mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Market Share Projection Tips for Small Businesses
    1. Increase sales
      1. Grow market share
        1. Tools
          1. Market Share Projection
            1. Gap analysis
              1. Sales projections
              2. Sales territory
                1. Future Market Share
                  1. Several sources of information
              3. Market Size
                1. Fundamental principle
                  1. Potential consumption
                    1. Potential business
                      1. Understanding how much customers could actually purchase within a given year
                        1. Dividing current business
                          1. Total market size
                            1. The remaining business
                              1. The company can steal from its competition
                                1. Using price to steal business
                            2. New business (units)
                              1. Small business diagnosis
                                1. Questions small businesses
                                  1. Advantages
                                    1. Different circumstances
                          2. small business
                          3. Sales & marketing
                            1. Marketing is everything
                              1. The small business does to increase its sales
                            2. Growth rate
                              1. Projected to grow
                                1. Different approaches


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