Decomposition and abstraction


GSCE Computer Science (Problem solving) Mapa Mental sobre Decomposition and abstraction, criado por h g em 09-04-2018.
h g
Mapa Mental por h g, atualizado more than 1 year ago
h g
Criado por h g mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Decomposition and abstraction
  1. Problem solving
    1. Computational thinking
      1. skills required
        1. algorithm design
          1. decomposition
            1. abstraction
          2. Decomposition
            1. first step (in problem-solving process)
              1. easier to spot and correct errors
                1. code can be reused
                2. Abstraction
                  1. Levels
                    1. higher level = less detail required
                      1. lower level = more detail required
                      2. removing or hiding unnecessary detail so only the important points remain
                        1. Coding an algorithm
                          1. high-level programming languages = high level of abstraction
                            1. subprogram
                              1. splitting a process into parts (the items of code)


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