DofE Bronze


Mapa Mental sobre DofE Bronze, criado por lgarrad2305 em 20-09-2014.
Mapa Mental por lgarrad2305, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lgarrad2305 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

DofE Bronze
  1. What did you learn?
    1. Boys eat a lot
      1. Canoeing skills
          1. Louis
            1. Packing
              1. Bring a hat
              2. What was your highlight of the weekend?
                  1. Finishing
                    1. Angel Cake
                      1. Sunshine!!
                        1. Louis
                          1. Ranting
                          2. What would you do differently?
                            1. Caffeine
                              1. Louis
                                1. Brioche
                                  1. Wear Suncream
                                    1. Effort
                                      1. Chilli Powder
                                      2. What did you find difficult?
                                        1. Paddling Consistently
                                          1. Independence
                                              1. Toeing people
                                                1. Getting in and out
                                                  1. Louis
                                                  2. What skills did you improve?
                                                    1. Louis
                                                      1. Positioning
                                                        1. Patience
                                                          1. Leadership
                                                            1. Communication
                                                              1. Teamwork
                                                              2. Do you think it was a successful weekend?
                                                                1. :D
                                                                  1. Louis
                                                                    1. Yes
                                                                      1. Yep!
                                                                        1. Yeah!
                                                                          1. Defo


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