A Brief History of Infectious Disease Prevention


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A Brief History of Infectious Disease Prevention
  1. Edward Jenner
    1. 1749-1823
      1. Developed the first effective vaccine


        1. used cowpow to vaccinate against smallpox
      2. Ignaz Semmelweis
        1. 1818-1865
          1. Promoted handwashing as a means of reducing the spread of puerperal fever to women in childbirth
          2. Oliver Wendall Homes
            1. 1809-1894
              1. Louis Pasteur
                1. 1822-1895
                  1. Helped develop the germ theory of infectious disease stating that disease is caused by microorganisms
                  2. Joseph Lister
                    1. 1827-1912
                      1. Helped develop the germ theory. Introduced aseptic techniques in medicine through use of antiseptics onwounds surgical sites and surgical instrucments
                      2. Robert Koch
                        1. 1843-1910
                          1. Developed a set of proofs known as Koch's Postulates that microbes caused disease
                          2. Sir Alexander Fleming
                            1. 1881-1955
                              1. Discovered Penicillian


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