Letters From Yorkshire - Maura Dooley


Year 10 English (15 Poems on Love and Relationships) Mapa Mental sobre Letters From Yorkshire - Maura Dooley, criado por Neer Shah em 13-04-2018.
Neer Shah
Mapa Mental por Neer Shah, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Neer Shah
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Resumo de Recurso

Letters From Yorkshire - Maura Dooley
  1. "saw the firs lapwings return"
    1. He's connected with nature
    2. "his knuckles singing" (personification)
      1. Shows the delight he feels
      2. "It's not romance, simply how things are"
        1. The narrator romanticises this man's life, but it's just reality for him
        2. "feeding words" (figurative language)
          1. "Creates a contrast between her feeding words and him feeding people
          2. "Is your life more real because you dig and saw?" (rhetorical question)
            1. Reflects how the issue is at the centre of the poem
            2. "breaking ice"
              1. Physical tasks shows how he sees his life as ordinary
              2. "same news in different houses"
                1. Watching the same news hints that their lives aren't so different
                2. "our souls tap out" (spiritual language)
                  1. Shows that they have a deep and meaningful connection


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