Ahmed is Unable to pass Urine


Mapa Mental sobre Ahmed is Unable to pass Urine, criado por Batool Aldaher em 14-04-2018.
Batool Aldaher
Mapa Mental por Batool Aldaher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Batool Aldaher
Criado por Batool Aldaher mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Ahmed is Unable to pass Urine
  1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
    1. Investigations
      1. PSA
        1. Significance
          1. Screening
            1. Diagnosis of prostatic cancer
              1. Follow up
        2. Staging and Grading
          1. urodynamic testing
          2. Pathophysiology
            1. Epidemiology
              1. 20% of men over 40
                1. 90% of men over 70
              2. Symptoms
                1. occur in only 10%
                  1. Hesitancy
                    1. Urinary retention
                      1. FUD
                2. Treatment
                  1. Medical therapy
                    1. Static
                      1. Dynamic
                      2. Surgical therapy
                        1. TURP
                    2. Bladder Innervation
                      1. Prostate
                        1. Anatomy
                          1. Blood Supply
                            1. Histology
                            2. Acute urinary retention
                              1. causes


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