Implications of Online Communication


Mapa Mental sobre Implications of Online Communication, criado por nafeesa em 23-09-2014.
Mapa Mental por nafeesa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por nafeesa aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Implications of Online Communication
  1. Advantages of social networking
    1. Allows people to communicate interactively in real time anywhere in the world
      1. Groups of like-minded people can share infromation,opinions and interests cheaply, normally for the cost of a broadband connection
        1. Provides a great way of staying in touch with friends and business contacts
          1. easier to share information around the world for e.g. business meetings, because then by video conferencing, you dont have to travel and waste moeny
          2. Advantages of instant messaging
            1. provides a way to exchange a textual messages as an alternativeto the telephone and at a friction of the cost
              1. because messages are sent in real time, responses can be recieved instantaneously
              2. Disadvantages of social networking
                1. People won't know if the person they are talking to is real or fake,for e.g. facebook which means if they share information with them, then they will know their personal information
                  1. people get addicted to social networking which makes them give less time to their studies and other daily activities
                    1. people cant get their emotions across clearly to other people through social networking, which means that the person they are talking to doesnt know how they feel
                    2. disadvantages of instant messaging
                      1. Similar to social newtwroking, emotions are better expressed in person and can sometimes be miscommunicated within a instant message sent quickly
                        1. Viruses can spread by instant messaging
                        2. Voice over internet Protocol
                          1. Another way of communicating
                            1. Allows people to communicate in real time using voice and/or video messaging and is avaliable between any two points in the world
                              1. For interent-only conversations, there is no additional cost at either end.Skype is a example of a service that uses VOIP.
                                1. Advantages
                                  1. Able to talk to contact releatives and business collegues on the other side at a releatively low cost
                                    1. VoIP software is used by business for online conferences and meetings, this redcues travel costs, travel time and the cost of hiring a venue
                                    2. Disadvantages
                                      1. Reliability: VOIP service is dependant on the quality and reliabilityof your broadband service and may not work if tere is a power cut or really bad weather
                                        1. Voice quality: voices can sometime sbe disorted or there may be long pauses between questions and answers
                                          1. security:As with all technologies, identity theft, viruses, spamming and phishing are all potential threats


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