Year 9 'First' Science Exam Revision


i have made this it is revision for my first science exam in year 9.
Chloe Hambly
Mapa Mental por Chloe Hambly, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chloe Hambly
Criado por Chloe Hambly quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Year 9 'First' Science Exam Revision
  1. Fitness and Health
    1. Fitness- The ability to perform exercise Health- Absence of disease- certain factors can put at risk of becoming unhealthy
      1. Heart Rate- how fast H.R goes back to normal
        1. Stamina- How long you can exercise for
          1. Aglity-Change of direction at plase
          2. Staying Healthy And Diseases
            1. Diseases
              1. Organisms that cause disease are called 'Pathogens'
                1. Fungi- Althete's foot Virus- Flu Bacteria- chloera Protozoa- malaria
              2. Human Health and Diet
                1. Healthy Eating
                  1. This is what are food is broken down into <-
                    1. Fat- under skin, around organs (adipose tissue) Carbs- Liver( as guycogen) or converted to fat Protein- Not Stored in the body
                    2. Protein
                      1. To work out your Estimated Average Daily Requirement (EAR) of Protein (g) all you do is; 0.6 x Your body mass (Kg)
                        1. First-Class Protein = In meat and fish ( animal Protien) Secondary- Class Protein= Plant Protein
                        2. BMI
                          1. To work out you Body Mass Index (BMI) BMI= mass (Kg) / height ( in metres squared)
                            1. This chart shows the bands of BMI for Audlts
                            2. I worked out that my BMI is 22.2, going with the adults chart im in the normal range
                          2. Human Health
                            1. Heart Disease
                              1. Smoking is a big risk for heart disease, a cigarette contains Carbon Monoxide which takes over the oxygen in the Red Blood Cells, this means the Heart has to work faster tom provide cells with more Oxygen
                                1. Being Obese can also lead to Heart Disease. Cholesterol can bulid in the arteries causing plaque and narrowing of the arteries, this can sometimes cause a blood clot. From eating to much fat the coronary arteries can become blocked and can even lead to an heart attack
                            2. The Eye and Nervous System
                              1. The Eye
                                1. This is the structure of the eye
                                2. Nervous System
                                  1. Stimulus- A change in the evironment thta we detect and respond to
                                    1. Receptors- Speclalised cells that detect the stimulus
                                      1. Effector- A muscle or gland that wil bring about the response to a stimulus


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