Extra Globalisation


Mapa Mental sobre Extra Globalisation, criado por Sarah Mather em 16-06-2013.
Sarah Mather
Mapa Mental por Sarah Mather, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sarah Mather
Criado por Sarah Mather mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Extra Globalisation
  1. Rise of Free-Market Capitalism
    1. Began at the end of the Cold War (1980's) and the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1989-91. This lead to countries implemetning more market-orientated economic systems to negotiate barriets to trade. International bodies such as the WTO have been active in these negotiations.
      1. Large TNC's are also based on capitalist ideologies.
      2. Social Change
        1. George Ritzer calls global social change the process of 'McDonaldization' whereby big TNC's are spreading around the world and beginning to increase economic growth. It encourages foreign direct investement and the reduction of government intervention in the economy. This is highly neoliberal.
          1. Everywhere is developing e.g. neoliberal borrowings form the IMF, SAP's (structural adjustment programmes) and campaigns by organisations such as UNICEF to impact the poor.
          2. Contrasting Views
            1. Some believe that globalisation is a new phenomenon and sceptics argue it is not historically unprecedented e.g. statistical evidence shows that the flows of trade investments and labour since the start of the 19th Centuryhas a similar pattern therefore, globalisation is a myth and no more than a continuous integration of national economies.
              1. Transformationalists however assert that globalisation is a long-term perspective and that its neither a good or bad thing but instead, is an ongoing proces that may continue or gradually fade away.
              2. Social/Environmental Impacts
                1. Fewer dictatorships, more liberal democracy, less capitalism, less authoritarianism, aid has increased but more democratically, environmental damage e.g. pollution, oil/chemical productions e.g. Niger Delta in India, Lack of regulation on the developing world.
                2. Spread of Westernisation.
                  1. Impactss culture since globalisation is based on the West and the rich e.g. this can be exemplified in the growth of TNC's such as McDonalds and Coca-cola - AMERICANISATION... there has also been a rapid growth off hte tourist industry and the spread of the English language which has become a dominant cultural language.
                    1. Western values are becoming implemented in previously traditional societies e.g. Latin America
                  2. Money
                    1. World Bank helps to reduce global povety.
                      1. It also focusses on activies in developing countries.
                      2. We also have the IMF which is a global lender.
                      3. Case Studies
                        1. Oil in Negeria
                          1. Nike/McDonalds/Coca-Cola
                            1. TNC's
                            2. Poverty reduction in Uganda e.g. 85% live in poverty and the poverrt eradication and action plan (1997) developed a strategy to improve the situration by improved economic management, enhanced prosuction, conflict resolution since there was much vonflict/improved security, good democratic governance focussing on human rights/justice/law/order and human development e.g. education and healthcare
                              1. Economic growth was essential to poverty eradication and the action plan lead to the explansion of the private sector and protectionism to be established


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