Issues and Debates


A level Psychology Mapa Mental sobre Issues and Debates, criado por Samiha Nassir em 21-04-2018.
Samiha Nassir
Mapa Mental por Samiha Nassir, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Samiha Nassir
Criado por Samiha Nassir quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Issues and Debates
  1. Gender bias - human characteristic applied to all
    1. Alpha bias - overestimation of the difference between the sexes
      1. e.g. Wilson's sociobiological theory of relationships - men to impregnate, women get less kids - betermines promiscuity as male
      2. Beta bias - underestimation of differences between the sexes
        1. e.g. fight or flight, Taylor - women tend and befriend
          1. Consequence: androcentrism
            1. normal behaviour findings from males sees women behaviour as pathologised
              1. e.g. PMS patholigses women's emotions
          2. AO3: promotes sexism in workplace
            1. AO3: fails to challenge stereotypes
              1. AO3: women more likely to have depression, harmful RLA
              2. Culture Bias
                1. findings mainly on white American men
                  1. e.g. Asch's line study 123 white American males, findings else were were seen abnormal
                  2. Ethocentrism - one culture being superior
                    1. Ainsworth based on American culture
                      1. Deemed an inapprorpriate measure of attachment
                        1. Imposed Etic
                          1. Etic -
                            1. Outside cultures used for universality
                              1. Psychology does this
                            2. Generalised one cultures findings
                              1. Emic
                                1. realising unique behaviours of cultures
                        2. Afro Carribean men more likely to get SZ diagnosis
                          1. may be due to culture bound symptoms
                            1. Individualism an d Collectivism have unclear distimction
                        3. Free Will vs Determinism
                          1. The choice to make own decisions, self determingng
                            1. All behaviour is determined
                              1. Environmental - outside
                                1. Biological - internal, made of genes
                                  1. Soft Determinist - free will with exceptions
                                    1. Behaviourism determined through conditioning and reinforcement, Skinner - free will is illusion
                                      1. Psychodynamic - experiences determined life
                                        1. Cognitive - behaviour limited by schema
                                      2. Nature vs Nurture
                                        1. Innate, hereditary, based from 0-1
                                          1. Environment, from before birth, context dependent
                                            1. Impossible to answer, interactional
                                              1. The interactionist approach says both should be together
                                                1. Attachment, caregiver interactions and temperaments
                                                  1. Diathesis Stress- experience and disposition
                                                    1. Epigenetics - enironmental factors chaniging nature e.g diet
                                                  2. Niche builiding - aggression built from predispositon
                                                    1. Twins raised together may not be same
                                                      1. Less determinst with interactionism
                                                      2. Holism and reductionism
                                                        1. Body as whole
                                                          1. Body as structures
                                                            1. Levels of explanation socio-cultural, psychological, physical, physiological, neurochemical
                                                              1. Biological - all behaviours have level of explanation, seen in OCD med
                                                                1. AO3: Group specific behaviours e.g. conformity
                                                                  1. AO3:Holism untestable
                                                                    1. AO3: Reductionism too simple
                                                                      1. Scientific basis
                                                                      2. Idiographic and Nomothetic Approach
                                                                        1. describe individuals
                                                                          1. independent experiences and norms
                                                                            1. Humanistic
                                                                              1. Psychodynamic
                                                                          2. General law of behaviour
                                                                            1. Reductionist and determinist
                                                                              1. Biological
                                                                                1. Cognitive
                                                                              2. Idiography: qualitative Nomothetic: sicentific
                                                                                1. Idiography: restricted Nomothetic: loss of person
                                                                              3. Socially Sensitive research
                                                                                1. Need to be valuable and safe
                                                                                  1. Need to be ethical by BPS
                                                                                  2. Ethical implications also in group of people studied
                                                                                    1. Milgram's study was not consented but got debrief
                                                                                      1. Bowlby's findings and research
                                                                                        1. Encourages stay at home Mums
                                                                                          1. Sieber and Stanley; Research question, methodology used, institutional context, interpretation of findings
                                                                                        2. Cyril Burt's IQ findings that influenced 11+ were falsified


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