
Mapa Mental sobre RAM and ROM, criado por JessicaDiaper em 24-09-2014.
Mapa Mental por JessicaDiaper, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por JessicaDiaper mais de 10 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

  1. What does RAM stand for?
    1. Random access memory
    2. What does ROM mean?
      1. Read only memory
      2. What is the purpose of RAM?
        1. It it used for storing loaded programme and data use
        2. What is the purpose of ROM?
          1. ROM is memory that cannot be changed by a programme or user
          2. What does volatile and non-volatile mean? Is RAM volatile or non-volatile? Is ROM volatile or non-volatile?
            1. Volatile is a type of computer memory that will only keep data as long as the power stays on when the power is switched of, all of the data is lost. Whereas non-volatile is a type of memory that doesn't require power to keep the data.
              1. An example of volatile is RAM (random access memory)
                1. An example of non-volatile is ROM (read only data) will retain it's data even with the power off.
                2. What is stored in the RAM?
                  1. - The operating system - Applications - The graphical user
                  2. What is stored in the ROM?
                    1. ROM contains all of the instructions needed to start the computer
                    2. Can you change what is stored in the RAM?
                      1. Yes, because as you open and close programmes you are changing what is stored in the RAM
                      2. Can you change what is stored in ROM?
                        1. No because it retains it's memory even when the computer is turned off

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