Impact of War on Medicine


GCSE History Mapa Mental sobre Impact of War on Medicine, criado por Dan Bacon em 25-04-2018.
Dan Bacon
Mapa Mental por Dan Bacon, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dan Bacon
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Resumo de Recurso

Impact of War on Medicine
  1. Throughout history countless millions have died in conflict
    1. War disrupts research into new cures and preventions
    2. Since the Ancient period, war has given surgeons the opportunity to perfect new techniques
      1. The earliest surgery took place on the battlefield - dealing with wounds and broken limbs
      2. Ambroise Pare developed his new technique during war
        1. He ran out of oil during a battle so had to improvise
        2. The Boer War 1899-1902 highlighted the post condition of recruits
          1. Major influence in the passing of the Liberal Social reforms 1906-14
          2. Impact of WW1
            1. Storage of blood
              1. Blood transfusions
                1. Artificial limbs
                  1. New areas of the body operated on
                    1. Plastic Surgery
                      1. Harold Gilles
                      2. X-Rays
                        1. Shell Shock
                          1. Spanish Flu 1918-19
                          2. Impact of WW2
                            1. Development of Penicillin
                              1. Creation of the NHS
                                1. Plastic Surgery
                                  1. Archibald McIndoe
                                  2. Blood Transfusions
                                    1. New types of surgery
                                      1. Improved health and hygiene


                                      Weimar Revision
                                      Tom Mitchell
                                      Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
                                      Adam Collinge
                                      Conferences of the Cold War
                                      Alina A
                                      Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
                                      Alina A
                                      The Berlin Crisis
                                      Alina A
                                      Germany 1918-39
                                      Cam Burke
                                      History- Medicine through time key figures
                                      The Weimar Republic, 1919-1929
                                      3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
                                      History- Religion and medicine
                                      History of Medicine: Ancient Ideas
                                      James McConnell